Jordon Smith

Jordon Smith

25 Jan 2015
Learn Me Some Erlang

I’ve been using Elixir and it’s piqued my interest in Erlang (Elixir compiles to bytecode for the Erlang Virtual Machine). After watching Erlang The Movie, I’m sold and so I have started reading Learn You Some Erlang. I plan to write a new IRC bot using Erlang and OTP to help it all sink in once I get a little further through the book.

Aside from reading up on Erlang, I’ve had my course materials delivered for my latest OU course, M362 Developing Concurrent Distributed Systems, so I’ll have to dedicate some more time for studying to keep up with the work load of two concurrent courses.

I’ll try to write a new post in the coming weeks, when hopefully I will have made some progress with the new IRC bot, giving some initial thoughts on my experience using Erlang.

Posted by Jordon Smith on 25 January 2015